How to Drink More Water: 13 Hack to Keep You Hydrated

how to drink more water

Are you trying to live a healthier lifestyle? Well, there’s more to it than just diet and exercise.

You’ll also want to make sure you stay hydrated. Why, you ask? Well, there are tons of health benefits of drinking water that range from aiding in digestion to relieving headaches.

But drinking the recommended 64 ounces of water can be harder than it seems. Keep reading to discover how to drink more water.

1. Remind Yourself of The Benefits

It doesn’t matter what goal you’re trying to achieve–it’s always easier when you have a solid reason as to why you want to achieve it. You may want to lose weight to look and feel better or eat more protein to build muscle.

When you want to drink more water, think of the specific reason why. Pick one or two solid benefits and remind yourself of them to stay motivated.

2. Use a Tracking App

“Wait, is this my fourth glass of water or fifth?” If you find yourself losing track of how much you’ve already had, you may need to use a tracking app.

Not only is this a great way to make sure you’re meeting your goals, but it can keep you motivated to keep drinking by giving you a visual of how well you’ve already done.

3. Buy a Tracking Water Bottle

Are you worried about forgetting to record your water consumption in an app? Then let your water bottle do it for you!

There are tons of tracking water bottles to choose from. Most have lines marked on them for various times during the day. All you have to do is look at the side of your water bottle to make sure you’re on track.

4. Get Another Water Bottle

The key to drinking more water is to keep water with you at all times.

Have a water bottle you keep at home at all times. Then, buy a second water bottle which you can take to work, the gym, the grocery store, and anywhere else you may go. If you tend to forget your water bottle at work, get a third one just for the office!

5. Stay Stocked Up on Tea Bags

Drinking water doesn’t have to mean drinking plain water. If you like tea, keep your home stocked with different flavor tea bags.

Since tea is just water that’s been infused with tea leaves, you’ll get to up your water consumption while enjoying your favorite drink.

6. Experiment with Flavors

Of course, tea isn’t the only way to add flavor to your water.

You can make your own infused water by using fruits and herbs. You’ll get to enjoy different flavors every time and get added nutritional value from the infused foods.

If you’re not a fan of infusing water, consider getting liquid drink mixes. There are tons of different options, and just a few drops makes a huge difference.

7. Reward Yourself

Do you convince yourself to exercise with the promise of a relaxing bubble bath afterward? Offering yourself a reward is a great way to push yourself to meet your goal of staying hydrated as well.

This could be your favorite snack, a relaxing activity, or even a little shopping spree. If you don’t want to snack or shop every day, consider making these special rewards for meeting your weekly or monthly goal.

8. Make it a Habit

Wakeup, brush your teeth, take a shower, get dressed–if your morning routine looks like this, it’s missing one important step.

One of the best tips to drink more water is to make it a habit. Drink water whenever you brush your teeth or use the bathroom. You’ll start your morning off strong and ahead of the game.

9. Eat Spicy Food

Have you ever eaten hot wings and immediately grabbed for your water? Well, there’s a reason why.

Spicy foods make you crave water without dehydrating you as salty foods do. So, the next time you hit the grocery store, grab those jalapenos and containers of Cajun seasoning.

10. Eat Water-Heavy Food

Spicy foods aren’t the only things you can eat to up your water intake.

Don’t forget to add water-heavy foods, like watermelon, grapefruit, cucumbers, and zucchini, to your list as well. You’ll get extra water in your diet plus important vitamins and minerals.

11. Stop Dry Swallowing Your Pills

Do you have daily pills you need to take? This is the perfect time to increase your water intake.

Make sure you take your pills with water. Then, take a few more large sips while you already have your water bottle in hand.

12. Use a Straw

Did you know something as simple as a straw could help you meet your water intake goal? That’s right, you’re likely to drink more when you use a straw.

If you’re up on the latest environmental news, then you’ll know the damage one-time plastic straws have. So, make sure you get eco-friendly reusable straws to stay hydrated without hurting the environment.

13. Keep Sugary Drinks Out of the House

Do you enjoy a cup of orange juice with breakfast? Then, maybe you have some soda with dinner.

Keeping unhealthy drinks at home not only makes it harder to stick with your diet, but it distracts from your water intake. By cutting out sodas and sugary fruit juices, you’ll be left with water as your only option, so you’ll have to drink that good old H2O with every meal of the day.

How to Drink More Water

Staying hydrated is important, but it can also be quite a challenge. Just follow our tips to learn how to drink more water, so you can enjoy all the wonderful benefits.

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