10 Simple Mindful Eating Tips That Will Change Your Relationship With Food

mindful eating tips

Have you noticed that you eat healthy enough, but you still can’t lose weight? To that, we ask but do you practice mindful eating?

There is plenty of scientific data that supports the fact that if you eat quickly, don’t chew thoroughly, and don’t pay attention to how much you’re eating you will overeat by a lot.

Here are ten mindful eating tips that you can incorporate into your next meal to help you kick these bad habits.

1. Chew 25 Times

Growing up, your parents and teachers probably told you to always chew your food 25 times before you swallow it. Well, you should have listened to them.

Chewing is not only the simplest form of eating mindfully but also the most effective. By only chewing a few times and swallowing big chunks of food, you don’t take the time to relax your brain or poor digestive system.

When you first start you might find that it’s difficult to fight the impulse to swallow your food right away. It will get easier over time though, we promise.

2. Take a Minute

Take a minute to reflect on your feelings before you eat. Are you stressed out? Sad? Bored? Hungry? Believe it or not, the term eating your feelings is completely true.

We tend to binge eat if we’re depressed, or even just bored. Taking the time to reflect these feelings will allow you to think about if you’re hungry, or if you’re just doing it because you have nothing better to do with your day.

Once you’ve thought about it you can decide if you still want to eat, or if you’re not actually hungry. It also helps you make a decision on what you want to eat and how much.

3. Turn Off Everything

How many times have you seen comedic images of people binging Netflix with a large bag of some type of snack? When you eat with electronic devices in front of you it’s possible you will forget to stop eating.

When we eat it’s time to put away all distractions, this means turn off that phone and your television. Sit away from anything that could prevent you from giving your meal the full attention that it deserves.

4. Put Down Your Utensil

To experience each and every bite of your food with mindfulness, put down your utensil periodically.

It sounds silly but you’ll notice that when you put food in your mouth you automatically reach down to fill your fork or spoon with another bite. Multi-tasking makes you eat robotically without putting much thought into it. This habit works great in tandem with the chewing exercise.

5. It’s Okay to Not Finish Your Plate

You were probably told as a child to finish everything on your plate or else you couldn’t leave the table.

As an adult, it’s okay to not finish your plate. You can wrap it up and put it in the fridge for lunch the next day if you have to. It’s a better option than making yourself sick/overeating because you forced yourself to finish your plate.

Also, consider going for the smaller plate. You’ll crave less if you see less, and that will keep you from overeating and having too much left over.

6. Try to Guess the Ingredients

Trying to guess all the ingredients in your meal is a fun mindful eating exercise that helps you really live in the moment.

This practice is best used when you didn’t cook the food, like when you go out to eat with friends. It makes you aware of all the ingredients you’re putting into your body, and it can make you a better chef!

7. Eat in Silence

Complete silence, while it sounds nerve-wracking and boring, is actually very beneficial.

This sort of goes into turning off all of your devices but eating in complete silence allows you to sit and concentrate on your food without distractions. It’s a great chance for you to reflect on yourself.

Even having a simple conversation with your spouse or friend can bring extra activity to your mind. When your mind is constantly going it brings confusion and chaos into the mix.

Every once in a while, your brain needs a break, and eating in complete silence will do it.

8. Switch Hands

This is the most awkward of the mindful eating exercises but, switching hands can actually cause you to eat more mindfully.

The reason for this is because your brain will have to do a lot of extra work to keep up.

This is a good exercise for you to practice at the beginning of your mindful eating journey.

9. Put Your Food on a Plate

When you just eat your food out of a box or bag you forget about portion control. It’s much easier to monitor this when you have the food in a bowl or on a plate.

Not only will it help you notice how much you’re eating but it’s hard to fully appreciate your food when it’s hiding in a box.

10. Work for Your Food

This tip is great for when you’re eating snacks. Instead of going for that box of Cheezits, go for seeded grapes or shelled peanuts instead.

This little bit of work you will have to do will break up the monotony of eating, and it will keep your mind busy and engaged.

Mindful Eating Tips to Change Your Relationship with Food

Follow these helpful eating tips to keep your mind more focus on your food and stop you from overeating. When you’re more attentive and eat in silence you are likely to appreciate your food. It’s actually a very relaxing way to lose extra weight and change your relationship with food.

Are you ready to start eating healthier but fear the expense? Follow our blog for ways to get organic foods on a budget.