Holistic Changes: 9 Amazing Steps to Natural Health and Healing

holistic health and healing

Holistic health and healing entail taking care of your entire being: physical, mental and spiritual. It’s a way of life that has been embraced by cultures around the world for many years. Many of us in today’s stress-filled age are realizing we need to pursue this lifestyle as well. 

You can have a healthier, more fulfilling life by choosing a holistic path that encourages wellness in all of its definitions.  

Here are nine ways to begin a practice of holistic health and healing.

1. Hydrate

In order to keep your body and brain in top functioning condition, you need to drink up to 64 ounces of water per day. Drinking lots of water helps your digestive system and your overall physical health.

Being hydrated can also help keep your moods level and your stress low. Conversely, if you do not drink enough water, you will experience a decrease in memory function, concentration and energy.

2. Exercise 

Movement is crucial for not only physical health but overall well being. While you may work out in order to lose weight or attain good muscle tone, know that exercise also brings holistic benefits which will enhance your state of mind. 

Some forms of exercise can actually increase stress on your body and mind. Competitive sports may be fun for some, but others may find the pressure and intensity too much. 

Pilates is a healthful practice which has little impact on the joints and skeletal system. Like yoga, it can be practised by people of all abilities and strength levels. These forms of exercise also contribute to lower blood pressure and stress levels, adding to one’s overall health and well being. 

3. Tumeric 

Tumeric has long been embraced by cultures of southeast Asia for its flavor, rich color, and myriad health benefits. Tumeric is considered a powerful healing agent, with anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

It can be cooked with food or ingested for its pain relieving effect. It also can be used topically, in creams or ointments. 

4. Protein 

Protein is a critical building block for strength and energy. A healthy diet will include protein from natural sources like meat, fish and eggs. 

It can be challenging for vegetarians and vegans to make sure they get enough protein in their diets. Nuts and seeds can help. Other alternatives include protein powders, which can be added to shakes and other drinks as a nutritional supplement. 

5. Fasting 

Intermittent fasting consists of alternating eating with fasting. It has been a lifestyle choice for many people seeking a more holistic way. Not only does it help you to lose weight, but it can also help prevent chronic diseases, improve brain function and even help you live longer. 

If followed rationally, the benefits of fasting are many. They include increased energy, better cellular repair, lower cholesterol, protection against Alzheimer’s and better brain function. Just make sure you always get the proper nutrition and do not maintain fasting for prolonged periods of time. 

6. Meditate 

In today’s intense world, it is easy to get overwhelmed and overstimulated. You get emails at all hours of the day and night. Financial, professional and family pressures abound.

Many individuals are discovering meditation as a way to unwind from the stress of daily life and to relax. The practice, which is thousands of years old, has numerous benefits for the mind, body and soul.

Meditation can reduce stress, depression, anxiety and blood pressure. It helps promote better sleep and improve digestion. It has also been found to boost immunity,  possibly helping to ward off cancer.

7. Superfoods 

Superfoods have health-promoting properties like reducing one’s risk of disease or improving physical or emotional health. Many have a high content of antioxidants, vitamins, or other nutrients. If you load your daily diet with superfoods, your body and mind will be very grateful.

Some examples of superfoods include:

  • Blueberries
  • Quinoa
  • Leafy Greens
  • Salmon
  • Kale
  • Green Tea
  • Greek Yogurt 
  • Almonds
  • Beets 
  • Chia Seeds

8. Mindfulness 

Meditation strives for mindfulness, but you do not have to meditate to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the simple act of being aware of where you are right now, right here.

By working on maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, body and environment, we stay in the moment. This prevents our minds from straying into the past or the future, where anxiety, regret and fear often reside.

When you practise mindfulness, you become aware and grateful for your health and well being. The act of self-awareness has been found to be an effective tool in treating mental illness and stress-related maladies.

9. Reduce Stress 

One of the most important ways to practice holistic health and healing is to reduce the stress in your life. This may work in different ways for different people.

Some people may need to make a drastic change in their lives, such as moving into a more peaceful environment or changing career paths. When stress reaches the level that it causes heart disease and other potentially fatal illnesses, this kind of approach may be warranted.

On the other hand,  there are simple, easy things you can incorporate into your life to reduce stress without changing everything. You might decide to hire a babysitter because picking up the kids from school every day is disruptive to your work schedule. You may pick up a sport like swimming, which gets you into a meditative groove.

By making a resolution to take care of yourself, you have already taken the first step towards healing. Understanding that self-care is a necessary component to overall health gives you permission to take the time and space you need.

Book a spa appointment where you can have a massage. Call in late one day. Take a nap. All of these small gestures can add up to a practice of taking care of yourself when you really need it.

Holistic Health and Healing: Taking Care of Body and Soul

Holistic health and healing approach well-being from all perspectives: happy body, happy mind. Through good nutrition and balance in your life, you can mend the damage done by years of stress and intensity. By alternating movement with rest, eating with fasting, and challenge with self-care, you can attain a lifestyle which is fruitful and enjoyable.

For more tips on taking the best possible care of your physical, mental and spiritual being, check out our blog